Ideas for outings
- Local tourist sites
- Museums
- Coffee shops
- Garden centres
- A mystery trip
- The local ice cream farm or parlour
- Open gardens
- Theatre
- Craft shop/unit
- Boat trips
- Train rides
Tips for running trips
- Visit the place in advance to ensure parking, accessibility, toilets, etc.
- If you have a transit wheelchair take it with you just in case someone finds the walking difficult.
- Explain all the arrangements well in advance. This might include the cost and if food will be involved.
- Although our weekly programme is free, we may charge for outings. Some councils have grants to fund elderly activities.
- If the cost is a larger amount, we will organise payment by installment.
- We have used hired mini buses and or volunteers’ cars. Ensure you can fit walking aids into the cars you intend using.
- Consider asking for extra volunteers to help with the outing.